The CIT Aware website and application is designed to offer practical, valuable, and unbiased information surrounding several facets of cancer and immunology, including epidemiology and pathophysiology, and a detailed review of current data on the safety, efficacy and use of immunotherapy for cancer. This multi-component program features both live and online activities for providers and their patients. Our objectives for the program are to educate clinicians and patients in several areas including:

  • Reviewing current trends in immunotherapy
  • Exploring advances in the understanding of immunology pathophysiology
  • Reviewing current evidence and data regarding immunotherapy safety and efficacy
  • Describing the mechanisms of action of immunotherapy and critically evaluating their efficacy/safety profiles for several types of advanced cancers
  • Discussing the impact of approved and investigational immunotherapies on several factors such as overall survival, response rates, and quality of life; exploring challenges of evaluating current data; and discussing how to individualize these therapies
  • Exploring methods to enhance communication between healthcare providers and patients to empower patients in their own healthcare

By providing useful information about existing and emerging immunotherapy options, we hope to provide a beneficial learning environment for our learners with the end goal of improving care for each individual patient.




Additional Reading